About Us

I am Leigh Killingbeck, founder of Carbon Nails, and I am a mechanical engineer, entrepreneur, and creator. I must confess that I came up with the idea of Carbon Nails by accident..

I design aero kits for a racecars. One day at our shop, we were teasing the owner of a racecar because they spent way too much money on a rear wing. He thought it was worth it because it was made from carbon fiber. It wasn't..

So we were randomly looking at things in the room that could be made from carbon fiber which people would probably pay a lot of money for. Well, my girlfriend just showed up with her nails freshly done. I said what about carbon fiber nails. Then a light bulb went off in my head and the start of an amazing journey began.

You're probably wondering why someone like me is passionate about making carbon fiber nails. The truth is, I wasn't. I am a creator, and creating a product that people would enjoy is always fun. But, creating a new, luxurious and expensive product (although it does pay for itself in months) that people would inevitably show (like a designer purse), just wasn't a passion.

It wasn't until after I randomly started to meet nail technicians,  and other people who love getting their nails done, and seeing them get emotional over finally having a healthy solution for beautiful nails, that it hit me on how important this really is. That is when this became a passion for me, and I literally set everything aside I was working on to make this happen. You can now have the most unique and beautiful nails, without ruining your nail bed, and absorbing toxic chemicals.