Frequently Asked Questions


What if I lose one of my Carbon Nails?

You will be able to purchase individual Carbon Nails. So, you can always replace any nail that you lose. You can purchase individual Carbon Nails to have extras in different shapes and sizes too. 


How do I determine the sizes of Carbon Nails I need for each finger?

For pre-ordering you don't need to worry about finding your size yet. Although, we do have detailed instructions in the How To section. Just pre-order now, and we will send an email to you asking your for the size Carbon Nails you need for each finger. Just reply to the email with your sizes. We will send the email out when we receive the first batch of Carbon Nails in mid December. So, you have until now and mid-December to determine the sizes you need.

In the near future, we will have sizing kits with plastic replicas of the Carbon Nails. So, you can order the sizing kit and try them on yourself and know for which sizes you need without measuring. But, for the pre-order you have to do it the old fashioned way.


What if one of my Carbon Nails doesn't fit?

No worries. Just ship us back the ones that don't fit. Tell us which sizes you need. We'll ship them back to you.


Note: Do not alter the Carbon Nails in any way. Once you alter them we cannot accept them. Make sure they all fit before you start shaping them or applying nail art to them.